Komm herein ins Hotel Casa und erlebe die Bright Vibes, die Casa als Ort definieren. Mit deiner ewigen Neugier auf die Welt um dich herum bleibst du bei CASA immer verspielt und jung im Geist.
Geboren 1957 als Social Pioneer, bietet CASA bis heute bezahlbaren Wohnraum in Amsterdam. Fest verwurzelt in seinen Werten und angetrieben von Kreativität und Einfallsreichtum ist das Hotel Casa seiner ursprünglichen Mission treu geblieben: supporting the bright young minds of tomorrow.

December 2023
CASA stepped into a renewed journey. By revealing a path ‘Away from the Ordinary’, CASA embraced the Bright Vibes that define the hotel. As Social Pioneers since 1957 and provider of student housing, CASA stays committed to redefining the norm. Proud and independent, CASA keeps on sparking curiosity and inspiring discovery.
April 2022
Celebrating our 65th birthday! We're beyond proud that we can fulfill our mission as a non-profit hotel to accommodate affordable student housing. We're incredibly grateful for everyone who has walked through our doors. What an amazing journey.
May 2021
The renovation of our hotel rooms. A lot of hard work has been done in the past couple of months, and we couldn't have done it without our great team.
January 2020
Jeroen Diepeveen is stepping into the role of General Manager at Hotel Casa in January 2020, after five years as Assistant Director working alongside Hans Vugts.
March 2019
Introducing our brand new lobby and restaurant! The heart of the hotel we’re so proud of. During our renovations, we handpicked every single (design) item you find in the lobby. It has resulted in a colorful work of art that brings our guests together every day.
September 2018
House of Hospitality started in Hotel Casa! A collaboration between the hotel and the ROC Amsterdam. Introducing a new way of learning on the job!
January 2017
In 2017, Hotel Casa celebrated its 60th anniversary. It was a party to never forget! One thing is certain: Casa will be forever young.
May 2016
Hotel Casa opened GAPP, a rooftop terrace and hotspot for the outsiders, lovebirds and chatterers. Truly unique because of its green ambiance and fantastic views.
September 2014
Hotel Casa introduced a new concept called East57. A coffee corner, a deli, a restaurant and a wine bar all in one. The name comes from the hotel’s founding story, ‘57 being the year it was established and ‘East’ because of its location.
May 2013
The old Casa complex, located in the Amsterdam Eenhoorn area, was redeveloped in collaboration with VMX Architects. The borough is becoming a bustling Amsterdam neighbourhood.
September 2010
On 30 September, 2010, the new Casa complex was officially opened by Major Eberhard van der Laan. The complex offered more of a hotel vibe with a bed, a large desk, a flatscreen TV and Wi-Fi. A win-win, as it made moving in and out easier for our students.
September 2005
In line with the plans for Casa’s new location, a new director was appointed in 2005: Hans Vugts, who had big plans for Casa.
June 1995
The ‘90s proved to be less appealing to hotel guests, and to the delight of the students, Marianne van Meurs decided that students could stay at Casa over the summer of 1995 - one time only.
September 1991
Marianne van Meurs became the Casa Academica Foundation’s first female director. The experienced lady stated that it was time for a new Casa. From 2005 onwards, Meurs was responsible for the construction of the new building on Eerste Ringdijk.
March 1984
In 1984, a small group of students had the innovative idea to start a bar called ‘Casa Croeg’: a smashing success. Parties and gatherings found their way into Casa’s home, and the place remains the hangout spot for residents today.
January 1980
After years of guests and student housing, it was time for an update. Between 1980 and 1984, Casa invested 1 million guilders a year for a major renovation.
April 1972
Gradus van Nieuwkuijk became the new director of Casa, and soon became one of Casa’s most popular directors. The amiable man was known for his genuine interest in students, and how he could sit and chat with them for hours.
Summer 1964
In the summer of 1964, Casa was greatly honoured to welcome the Chinese Opera from Beijing. As an experienced host, Wellink made sure the group received all the service they needed. The entire ninth floor was converted into a rehearsal department.
march 1964
New director and young hospitality professional Max Wellink was a breath of fresh air for Casa. Wellink engaged students in the process, and Casa gained its first co-ed floor. Before that, girls and boys were separated.
October 1962
31 October 1962: The official opening of Casa Academica. Even the Mayor and the Minister of Education and Culture attended the event, which was all over the newspapers: Casa is the future of Amsterdam-Oost.
November 1959
After arranging all the necessary funding, the first stone of Casa Academica was laid at James Wattstraat on 12 November, 1959.
april 1957
Four ambitious students, a symbolic amount of 100 guilders and a student housing shortage in Amsterdam. That is how the Casa Academica Foundation started. A hotel in the summer, and student homes for the rest of the year.UNSER

Ricardo / Revenue Executive
„Das unterstützende Umfeld bei Casa passt perfekt zu meinen Werten und macht es zu mehr als nur einem Arbeitsplatz: Es ist mein zweites Zuhause.“

Moïse / Sr. Meeting & Events Executive
„Casa fühlt sich für mich wie ein zweites Zuhause an. Man kann man selbst sein, die Kollegen sind involviert und man bekommt die Möglichkeit, sich weiterzuentwickeln.“

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