The Newbie

Michael, Student Media, Informatics and Communication at the HVA – Current resident of Casa.
How do you know Casa? / Where did you hear about Casa?
‘A classmate told me about it. It grabbed my attention since Casa is not only close to my university, but it a great place with lots of students. And I really enjoy getting to know new people.’
What do you like best about Casa?
‘Hotel Casa Amsterdam is great! I’ve got the opportunity to get to know a lot of people. The best thing is you find yourself surrounded with people from your own age, every single day. Everyone is a student. That too, makes it much more easy to communicate. I think I know almost half of the students living here. You’ll find me on every floor of the building, to chill or to party. Just having a good time. Friendships start naturally out here. You start with: ‘Hey, how are you doing?’, and following up on that you’ll enjoy some music and a drink together.’
What would be your most memorable Casa moment?
‘My most memorable moment at Hotel Casa Amsterdam would be Frits’ goodbye party on the 8th floor. There were about 50 to 60 people in his room, all at the same time. That really is a bunch for a relatively small room like that! We laughed a lot and enjoyed it all. Approximately around 3h or 4h in the morning, we were warned because of the noise. A pity, but well.. after all, it turned out to be the best party I have attended!’
Are there any less enjoyable things when living at Casa?
‘The fact that we students have to leave Hotel Casa Amsterdam in summer is what I dislike most. Until October the rooms will be filled up with hotel guests. For me, it is ok, since my parents live in Utrecht which is about 20 minutes by train. But for those whose parents live less near, it isn’t that easy to meet up every now and then in Amsterdam. However, I think it is a unique experience to live at Casa!’
How would you describe the ideal day at Casa?
‘For me, every day at Casa is an ideal day, because I’ve got the chance to be around Casa students all the time. Everyone is very open and in for social gatherings. It keeps ‘student life’ fresh and fun.’

Hoteldebotel – Jesse & Holland
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